As compared to other countries in the world, Canada has the most lenient immigration policies due to which many people all around the globe wants to visit there. Canada has become one of the top destination country because the number of visitors increases every year, recording approximately, 32.43 million tourist arrivals in 2022. Either for study or for work or for tour, many people want to visit the country due to its education-oriented nature, great working scope and eye-catching developed and clean cities. But in order to visit the country one need to submit a well-written SOP to grab the Canada visa. But writing a perfect and an outstanding SOP is not an easy task as many people who are not fully aware of the guidelines and the perfect format often ends up submitting a lousy or a shoddy statement letter due to which their application gets rejected by the visa officer and they provide a refusal letter which mentions the cause of refusal. But here is everything that you need to know about the refusal and how to reapply in order of getting accepted and fulfil your dream of visiting Canada.
What to Do If Your Canada Visa Got Rejected?
When your Canada Visa is rejected/cancelled, the Canadian authorities and the officials will send you a refusal letter which will contain all the reasons for its rejection. However, if you are of the opinion that the reasons are void or invalid and you have specific and relevant explanations against your Canada visa rejection, then you can reapply for the same.
If you are reapplying for your Canada Visa, then you should provide more information and improve your way of writing. It is must to provide relevant explanations for each questions on which your Visa application was rejected or refused. While filling application, many applicants copy and paste the SOPs, but one must have the understanding of what they are writing as the copied content are always detected by the authorities. They have all of the required resources and are experienced enough due to which they can quickly identify the plagiarized content or material due to which they reject them in their green card rejection letters. Hence one should always write their applications or the SOPs manually. It should have to be 100% unique and authentic with negligible plagiarised content.
Appeal Letter and its Relevance:
An appeal letter is an another crucial document that demarcates the reasons about why you think the visa refusal was invalid, and why it should be repealed or taken back. The appeal letter must be submitted within 15 days of the arrival of visa refusal to the Canadian authorities who decided to refuse your Canada visa. This letter must be an original with the original signature of the applicant and without containing any plagiarized content. This will help you reapply after a specific period of time by amending the fault.
How to Write an Appeal Letter for Canada Visa Refusal?
If you feel that your Canada Visa refusal was not valid and was unjust and you urgently need the Canada Visa, then you can file an appeal. In an Appeal Letter, you should begin with your:
1. Introduction:
- Name and Surname
- Passport Number
- Permanent Address
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Email Address
- Contact Number
2. With the Exception of this, you should:
- Specify when you submitted your application and the purpose of your trip.
- Mention the date when you received your Canada Visa Refusal.
- Mention the reasons why your Canada Visa was rejected or refused, as declared in the rejection letter by the higher authorities.
- Explain your reasons for observing that the reasons for the Canada visa refusal was unjust and was not valid by attaching the actual evidence with it.
- Sign your name at the bottom of the appeal letter after you’ve printed it.
How to Draft SOP for Canada Student Visa After Refusal?
In order to draft the SOP for Canada Study Visa after refusal you must follow the below mentioned steps very carefully and precisely.
- Begin with your introduction.
- Academic Background.
- English Proficiency
- Why You’ve Chosen Canada to study?
- Who will pay for your studies while your stay in Canada?
- Future plans and Family ties.
- Conclusion
How to Draft SOP for Canada Tourist Visa After Refusal?
In order to draft the SOP for Canada Tourist Visa after refusal you must follow the below mentioned steps wisely and in a condensed form.
- Start with your brief introduction.
- Purpose or intention of visit.
- Duration of your stay.
- Partners in the trip (if any).
- Staying arrangements.
- Financial Details.
- Aim of Returning Back.
You must explain all the above mentioned points in order to reverse the order of your Canada Visa refusal. Make sure to write a unique SOP with negligible plagiarised material. By following the above mentioned steps and points you will definitely overturn the decision in your favour.
Final Thoughts
You don’t have to panic if you got refusal for your Canada Visa. Go through the reasons for the refusal and examine it carefully. Check your SOP and understand where was the problem and where was it lacking. Then prepare a strong Appeal Letter and reapply for the same.
Even if you got 2 or 3 times refusal, the authorities still let you reapply, so you don’t need to worry. But if you are still struggling in writing a perfect SOP and the Appeal Letter, then you must seek assistance from the best SOP writing services in India as they own the professional and accomplished SOP writers who not only guide people in writing their SOPs and Appeal Letters but also provide their assistance to them throughout their Visa acceptance procedure. Contact and get in touch with them to fulfil your dream of visiting Canada even after getting refusal.